“Uglies” is an American science fiction film scheduledforreleasein2024, directed by McG and written by Scott Westerfeld and Jamie Simon. The film is based on the 2005 novel of the same name by Scott Westerfeldandisset in a dystopian future where people undergo extreme cosmetic surgery whentheyturn 16 inorder to become “beautiful” and fitinto societal standards.
Uglies - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Uglies |
Genre: | Science Fiction, Drama, Adventure |
Release Date: | September 13, 2024 |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
The filmtells the story of Tully Youngblood, a girl who eagerly awaits her 16th birthday inorder to become “pretty”. However, her plans are thwarted when she befriends Shay, who flees to a mysterious place called “The Smoke” to avoid the operation.Tullymust follow Shay and discover a world full of “uglypeople” who don’t conform to society’s beauty standards.
Tally Youngblood waslookingforward to becoming “pretty” on her 16th birthday, but everythingchangeswhen her friend Shayrunsaway to “The Smoke”.Tully follows Shay and discovers a world full of “uglypeople” who don’tconform to her. As Tully’sinterestin“uglythings”grows, she begins to question the morality of the society she lives in.
Uglies Movies Bollyflix Screenshot
Uglies Movies Trailer
- What is the movie’s release date?
- 2024
- Who is the director of the movie?
- McG
- What is the movie’s genre?
- Science Fiction
- Who are the lead actors in the movie?
- Not announced yet