Orion and the Dark is a 2024 American animated fantasy adventure comedy film produced by DreamWorks Animation, animated by Miklos Animation, and distributed by Netflix. It is directed by Sean Charmatz (in his feature directorial debut), written by Charlie Kaufman, and based on the 2014 children’s book of the same name by Emma Yarlett.
Orion and the Dark - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Orion and the Dark |
Genre: | Adventure, Animation, Comedy |
Release Date: | 2 February 2024 |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
Orion and the Dark Movie Screenshot
Orion and the Dark Movie Story
Orion, an anxious 11-year-old with many fears, encounters Dark, his worst fear personified, who offers to help him overcome his anxieties by showing him the wonders of nighttime. Dark introduces Orion to Sleep, Insomnia, Quiet, Unexplained Noises, and Sweet Dreams, who show him their tasks in controlling night and day. However, Orion’s preference for Light over Dark causes the night entities to abandon their duties, leading to chaos. Feeling guilty, Orion must learn to accept his fears and bring back Dark from a dangerous situation in his dream.
With the help of his daughter Hypatia, they successfully summon Dark and restore order to the world. Ultimately, Hypatia ends up stuck in the past, but a young boy named Tycho arrives to bring her back. The story comes full circle as Hypatia, now an adult, tells the tale to her son, connecting past and present generations.
Orion and the Dark Movie Trailer
FAQ About Orion and the Dark Movie
Q1 – Who Directed Orion and the Dark Movie?
A Sean Charmatz
Q2-What Genre Is Orion and the Dark Movie?
Q3-Lead Cast Of Orion and the Dark Movie?
A-Jacob Tremblay
Q4- Rating Of Orion and the Dark Movie?