“King Arthur” is a 2024 film based on a true story. It is directed by Simon Cellan Jones and stars Mark Wahlberg. The film tells the story of Swedish adventure racer Mikael Lindnord who adopts a stray dog named Arthur to take part in an epic endurance race.
Arthur the King - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Arthur the King |
Genre: | Adventure |
Release Date: | 22 March 2024 |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
Arthur the King Movie Screenshot
Arthur the King Movie Story
Michael Wright is a determined adventure racer seeking one last chance to win the championship. With the help of his sponsor, he assembles a team of athletes, and unexpectedly, a stray dog named Arthur joins them on their journey.
As the team faces extreme challenges and pushes them to their limits, Arthur’s unwavering loyalty and camaraderie redefines the meaning of winning, friendship and family.
Arthur the King Movie Review
“The aurthur the King” is a masterpiece of theatrical arts, full of emotion, action, comedy and dangerous and breathtaking action by the characters. For example, the zip line scene was truly breathtaking and mesmerized me. So, even if you don’t want toys, you should check this out.
Arthur the King Movie Trailer
FAQ About Arthur the King
Q1 – Who Directed Arthur the King?
A -Simon Cellan Jones
Q2-What Genre Is Arthur the King?
Q3-Lead Cast In Arthur the King?
A-Mark Wahlberg
Q4- Rating Of Arthur the King?