“365 Days” (2020), directed by Barbara Bialowas and Tomasz Mandes, is a Polish erotic drama inspired by the first book in a trilogy by Blanka Lipińska. The story centers on Laura, played by Anna-Maria Sieklucka, who is taken captive by Massimo, a wealthy Sicilian mob boss, played by Michele Morrone.
365 Days - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | 365 Days |
Genre: | Drama, Romance, Erotic |
Release Date: | February 7, 2020 (Poland), June 7, 2020 (Netflix) |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
Massimo gives Laura a year to fall in love with him, leading to a controversial look at love, desire, and control. The film showcases intense scenes and beautiful locations, pulling viewers into a world filled with luxury and obsession.
Though it gained a large audience for its bold content and strong chemistry between the main characters, “365 Days” received mixed reviews from critics. Many pointed out issues with how the film depicts consent and relationships. Despite this, it became a cultural hit, especially on streaming services, resulting in sequels and more interest in the original book.
“365 Days” is noted for its daring themes and unique style, attracting those who enjoy intense romantic stories.