“12 Years a Slave,” directed by Steve McQueen and released on October 18, 2013, is a strong historical film based on the true story of Solomon Northup. He was a free Black man who was kidnapped and sold into slavery before the Civil War in the United States. The movie comes from Northup’s 1853 autobiography of the same name.
12 Years a Slave - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | 12 Years a Slave |
Genre: | Biography, Drama, History |
Release Date: | October 18, 2013 |
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Chiwetel Ejiofor plays Solomon, whose life changes dramatically when he is tricked in Washington, D.C., and taken to Louisiana, where he suffers terrible treatment on a plantation. The film shows the harsh realities of slavery, revealing the physical and emotional pain that enslaved people experienced.
The story follows Solomon as he tries to keep his dignity and humanity in awful conditions. He meets different characters, including the cruel plantation owner Edwin Epps, played by Michael Fassbender, and the kind fellow enslaved woman Patsey, portrayed by Lupita Nyong’o.
“12 Years a Slave” received much praise for its honest depiction of slavery, strong acting, and McQueen’s direction. It won three Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Supporting Actress for Nyong’o, and Best Adapted Screenplay, earning its place as an important film in American history and cinema.