“12 Angry Men,” directed by Sidney Lumet in 1957, is a well-known courtroom drama that looks at themes such as justice, prejudice, and moral responsibility. The film is mostly set in a jury room where twelve jurors must decide whether a teenage boy is guilty of murder. If they decide he is guilty, he could face the death penalty.
12 Angry Men - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | 12 Angry Men |
Genre: | Drama |
Release Date: | April 10, 1957 |
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At first, most jurors want to reach a quick guilty verdict, except for Juror #8, played by Henry Fonda. He thinks there is enough doubt about the case and pushes for a full discussion of the evidence. As they talk, the jurors’ personalities come out, showing their biases and backgrounds.
Each juror’s viewpoint adds to the tension, illustrating the battle between personal beliefs and group pressure. The film shows how personal experiences can shape ideas about justice. As Juror #8 carefully examines the prosecution’s arguments, the story becomes a strong message about the need for critical thinking and moral courage against societal pressure.
“12 Angry Men” continues to be a powerful look at the American legal system and the complexities of human behavior.